Shannon Nicole - Child Within[Unfinished.]

2014-06-14 5

We could be the oldest of our age group.
But could act the foolish of our class.
Not because we're idiots.
But because we're kids within.
We never really wanted to grow up.
But we got caught up in the river of time.
We still play those childrens games,
Because there's nothing more fun to play.
So what if we run around like the little kids.
In the end we know we'll have life long friends.

Each child different from the rest.
Some happy, others sad, but they always find each other.
Some want to run around laughing like clowns.
Others just want that hug their parents never gave them.

You can go by a busy street, and can always tell one thing.
Who still embraces their child within, and who let their's loose long ago.
They can walk by with a sly grin on their face.
Or knock your shoulder and scream some obsurbity.

Sad to see, those who let their child die off.
They never seem to be happy in life.
Ever searching, trying to get to true happiness.
But ignorant to the fact it left them long ago.

i'll leave the rest to see what she can think of

Shannon Nicole